Brian Marion
Brian Marion was born in Kamsack, Saskatchewan
in 1960. He grew up among the Saulteaux and Cree of the Prairies and the
Ojibway people of Northwestern Ontario. At the
age of 15, Brian began a nine year apprenticeship with Norval Morrisseau,
considered to be the Father of the Canadian Woodland Aboriginal style of art.
According to Morrrisseau: "During those years of training, Brian learned
both the spiritualism of the Ojibway culture and the techniques of Shaman
art. While
he developed his artisitic talents, he was taught to use the meanings of the
legends as a basis for the composition of his paintings. He acquired the
knowledge from the visions of our people and has come to understand our close
ties with nature. He has been able to get inspiration from his native
spirituality and with the blessing of the Creator, add his own emotional and
intuitive interpretations to produce beautiful art." Brian died in 2011.